Web Design Tips For Beginners

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The desire to compare is everywhere. Social media is an obvious place but even just walking around in a store you compare yourself to others.

In creative spaces this can feel personal when you look at someone else’s portfolio of work and it seems so much better than yours.

Or if you haven’t even started yet it can be intimidating and make you wonder if you should even start.

This was me years ago learning web design from scratch and comparing myself to people with way more experience than me.

I know how intimidating this process can be. Here are 3 tips I would give new web designers and my past self when starting out years ago.

3 Web Design Tips For Beginners

Tip 1: Don’t worry about your first website looking perfect right away.

Being a perfectionist in a creative industry is a unique kind of torture. Mainly because there is no one to tell you if something is perfect or done unless you are working for a client.

Your first website or project probably won’t look great. This is a good thing! The act of creating is the part that matters. Your skill will expand with time and practice.

As Dolly Parton says, “Make whatever happens part of the show.”

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    Tip 2: Learn everything that interests you.

    I’m a naturally curious person so I enjoy learning about anything that is interesting to me.

    Even though I enjoyed school I’ve learned so much more on my own following my own passions and interests.

    If I hadn’t decided one day that I wanted to try and build a website who knows what I would be doing.

    I might not be building and launching a web design business.

    You can also learn about different subjects that never turn into your career or even a hobby.

    I loved Project Runway so I took a course about fashion.

    Did I want to become a fashion designer? Not really. I’m more interested in the history of fashion and watching the design process.

    Maybe this will change in the future. This doesn’t mean I wasted my time learning about fashion.

    Tip 3: Embrace a growth mindset and go outside your comfort zone.

    The comfort zone feels great because it’s comfortable. There are tons of quotes about how nothing changes in your comfort zone which is true. This doesn’t mean you need to take giant leaps every day and always feel uncomfortable.

    But embracing a growth mindset like a student, asking questions and reaching out to people will help you a lot more than staying closed off.

    This was one of the hardest lessons for me. I like learning things by myself and not showing anyone what I’m working on until it’s perfect. Learning and growing with a community is much more fun than going it alone.

    No one expects perfection the first time from beginners. So embrace the curious student mindset and reach out to people with more experience than you.

    Now that you know my web design tips for beginners I want to hear from you. Let me know if any of these tips resonate with you in the comments.


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