3 Ways You Can Redesign Your Website Without Looking Like An Amateur

Want to know some easy tips to redesign your website? I think everyone should have access to resources to help them on their web design journey.

When I started building my first website from scratch over 5 years ago I was totally clueless. I wanted it to look good but didn’t know all the web design secrets.

Even today I’m still learning! Every day I learn even more about web design and how to make websites look and function even better.

Here are three ways to redesign your website so no one knows you are the web designer.

3 Ways to Redesign Your Website

Use High Quality Photos, Graphics and Mockups

This is kind of a no brainer. Even if your photos looked good when you put them on your website they might be outdated. It’s time for a refresh!

You might want to go back to the drawing board to find new photos. If you want to create a mood board check out this post.

When I first learned about mockups my head exploded (just like the emoji!).

I had no idea that this was the secret all types of designers used to create a stunning portfolio.

There are tons of freebies out there- check out this post about all my favorite website content resources including mockups for more details.

My favorite stock photos and mockups if you’re ready to invest in high quality design assets is Moyo Studio. You can also get some free stock photos if you sign up for their email list to see if you like their photos.

Refresh Your Copy

I know a lot of people hate writing but the visuals of your website aka pictures and words are what people judge your website on. So they better be good or great!

There are so many free resources to find copywriting tips like Licia Morelli and Copyblogger to name a few.

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    If you can’t invest in copywriting make sure you take advantage of all the free advice on copywriting blogs and YouTube videos.

    Have a CTA

    Even if you aren’t selling anything per se think about what action you want people to take on your website.

    Do you want them to sign up for your email list? Do you want them to read your blog?

    Do you want them to take your quiz? Psst… I have a quiz if you want to check it out.

    Once you’ve figured out your Call to Action or CTA for short make sure it stands out with a pop of color that is different to your background color.

    If you’re using Squarespace there are tons of plugins available to make your website stand out even more.

    I use a plugin from Ghost plugins to create the gradient effect on my CTA at the top of this website.

    Now that you know three ways to redesign your website like a web designer I want to hear from you.

    Let me know if you want any other specific tips about redesigning your website below.


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