Why Your Website Needs a Lead Magnet

Lead magnets go by many names. Opt in, lead magnet, sign up, free gifts and ethical bribes to name a few.

You might have heard from tons of people on the internet that you need one.

But you have no idea what this is or how to build one for you and your business.

I’m going to break down what a lead magnet is and why your website needs one.

What is a Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is a way for you to provide value in exchange for someone’s email address.

This can be a digital download like a checklist, a video or even a quiz. There are so many different types of lead magnets you could create!

But the one that will provide the most value and will attract your customers all depends on what they need.

Use what you know about your target audience to create something they will want and will quickly solve a problem.

If you have a target audience or niche make sure to tailor your lead magnet to a problem or pain point they are experiencing. This is where having a defined niche and brand strategy pays off when creating products and services people want to buy.

Use this question as a jumping off point. What is one small win you can satisfy for them that will keep them repeat visitors to your website and become customers?


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    Why Your Website Needs a Lead Magnet

    You can use a lead magnet in so many ways beyond just having it on your website.

    If your marketing strategy involves content marketing you can promote your free offer or download.

    Even if you are using another marketing tactic creating Pins of your lead magnet on Pinterest will not only grow your impressions on the platform but will drive traffic to your website.

    When someone signs up for your free download they are added to your email list. You can find plenty of people talking about how valuable an email list is. Let’s break it down.

    Would you rather spend $20 with a brand you know or a new brand you’ve never heard of?

    Most people are more comfortable buying something from a person they know instead of a total stranger.

    It’s the same with your audience of possible customers. If you provide value to them with your lead magnet and continue to provide value in your emails they are more likely to spend money with you down the road.

    Providing value increases the amount of time someone interacts with you and your business.

    When a person signs up for your lead magnet they go from a cold lead to a warm lead. It is much easier to pitch and sell your offers to someone who knows who you are versus a total stranger.

    Take a couple hours or a day to brainstorm how you can provide value and a quick win to your potential customers visiting your website.

    Now that you know why your business website needs a lead magnet I want to hear from you. Let me know if you have any lead magnet questions below.


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