How to Upload Images to Your Website

When I created my first website from scratch finding photos to add to my website and blog posts was really fun. Sometimes I would be so inspired that I would create something new from layering several photos and changing them to suit what I was writing about.

Uploading images to your website can seem like an easy part of creating and running a website.

There are three key steps to make your website load faster and be more SEO friendly.

3 Steps to Upload Images to Your Website

Compress Your Photos

After you've chosen some great images for your website go to a compression website.

My favorite is squoosh. The steps are pretty easy.

Just drag your photos in and they will be compressed without losing any quality.

Download the compressed image and upload to your website.

Why should you compress your photos?

Compressing your photos and reducing the file size makes your website load faster.

What is the point of having a website filled with great photos if everyone leaves because it takes too long to load?

This will keep people from leaving your website because it doesn’t load fast enough.

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    Rename Your Photos

    Rename your photos is good for SEO and to easily keep track of them.

    For your file name use lower case words with hyphens in between.

    I’ll use the photo on the blog post as an example.

    Example: envelopes-and-flower-on-table.jpg

    Also add one or two relevant keywords for your website, page or blog post. For blogging, the name can also be the name of the blog post.

    Add Alt Text

    Adding alt text to your website is important for several reasons.

    Just a few are for ADA compliance, accessibility and an SEO boost.

    Describe your photo and if relevant add your keywords. Hone in on details but keep it under 125 characters.

    This should be similar to the name on your photo. Remember the context of the photo on your website.

    Now you know more web designer secrets like how to upload images to your website the right way.

    Let me know if you want a video tutorial showing this process or if you have any questions.


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