How to Create a Website in Squarespace

When I started my web design journey more than 5 years ago almost no one was talking about using Squarespace as their web design platform of choice.

Now there are so many resources to learn from online it’s not even funny! If you’re ready to start creating your business website from scratch in Squarespace follow along. Here are the steps you need to create a website in Squarespace.

4 Easy Steps to Create Your Website in Squarespace

Laptop mockup of Redesignia designed website on a white background

Go to Squarespace

This is the easiest part! Go to or search for Squarespace on your search engine of choice.

Go to the Squarespace website and click Get Started in the upper right hand corner to create an account.

Next you’re going to pick a template for your website.

Pick a Template

There are two ways to pick a template: answer a few questions to get template suggestions or skip ahead and pick whatever you want.

If you aren’t sure what to choose and feel overwhelmed when you see too many options make sure to answer the questions or narrow down your options through type or topic.

On the template page choose a type or topic for your website or just scroll to see everything.

Try not to waste too much time scrolling and picking. You can always try out multiple templates and change around design elements on your website.

Hoover over a template to Preview which will show you a live version of the website or Start with to begin your trial.

Start your Free Trial

After clicking Start with you will create your account with Squarespace and see your new website on your account dashboard. Your free trial will last 2 weeks.

After giving your website a name you are ready to start editing!

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    Start Editing

    This is when you can change anything and everything about your website. The colors, pictures, fonts, words- everything!

    If this seems overwhelming and you would like some guidance I have a free webinar coming soon which will help you create your website easier and faster.

    Bonus Tip

    Not ready to go live but don't want to lose all the web design work either? Duplicate your website

    This way is the easiest and I've had to do it more than a few times.

    Simply duplicate your site on the Squarespace dashboard. Click the dots on the upper right hand corner of your website and select Duplicate.

    It may take a few minutes but is so worth it if you are worried about losing your hard work.

    The other option if you don’t want to duplicate every 2 weeks is chatting with customer support and having them extend your trial.

    Squarespace has great customer service and they can usually extend it up to 6 months.

    Let me know if you have any questions about Squarespace below and make sure to check out Square Dare for a quick and easy roadmap to create your one page website in 2 days!


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