Six Top Tips for the Top of Your Website

One of the most important parts of your website is the top of your website also known as the “above the fold” section. This is the first place people visit your website and gets the most attention. According to this study you only have 0.05 seconds to make an impression on your website visitors.

Redesignia created website mockup on iPhone

When the top of your website is engaging to your ideal client you can expect more downloads, views and traffic.

If you don’t take the time to make this section attractive to your audience then you can expect a higher bounce rate or people leaving your website and a lower conversion rate.

These are the things you must have to improve your conversion rate and engaging your audience.

Top of Your Website Tips

Logo or Business Name

Don’t sweat this part if you don’t have the time or money to create a logo. You can use the Squarespace logo creator or just use a nice, readable font with your business name.

When you progress in your business and need a more defined brand strategy including a logo there are many brand designers who can help you create that like me.

Mission Statement

This will communicate who you are, what you do and why you do it in a clear way in one sentence. You can expand on this more as people keep scrolling or on your about page.

Call to Action

This is the action you want people to take when they land on your website. Typically this should be an easy yes and something that your target audience wants.

A few CTA examples:

Book a Call

Free Download

Check out the Shop!

Use action words and make it really clear and simple. You can have multiple CTA’s on your website but the one at the top of your website should appeal to your ideal client and be easy to do. This isn’t the place to pitch your high ticket offer.

High Quality Photo or Graphics

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    If you’ve seen a website with grainy, blurry or pixelated pictures you know this is a must have.

    There are so many great stock photo websites- most are free! So you don’t have an excuse. My free download Pics for Clicks has over 100+ resources for finding stock photos online.

    Find some stock photos and use them. Check out this post for more tips on using stock photos on your website.

    Easy Navigation

    Your website looks good and now this person wants to keep exploring. Is that an easy thing for them to do or is it confusing so they give up really easily?

    Making sure you have clear, easy to read and understand navigation helps people explore your page without getting overwhelmed or confused.

    Why should they keep scrolling?

    A really easy way to do this is to ask a question which you will answer if they keep scrolling on your website.

    Take me for example. I create websites for female business owners who want to grow their business. That’s my mission statement.

    But is that very engaging even if you are in my target audience? Not really.

    So I have a question instead. Are you ready to grow your business with an attractive, professional website? The people who say yes will keep scrolling and learn more about me and what I do.

    Now that you know my tips for the top of your website I want to hear from you. Let me know if you want to know more details about what to include in the top of your website.


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