How to Stay Focused as an Entrepreneur

Purple flower in vase against a yellow background

Maintaining my focus and attention has always come easily for me. Even easier if it was a project or interest that I enjoyed exploring.

I really enjoy getting into that “flow” state when creating a website or working on a project. 

Then you finally look up to take a break and realize hours have passed. 

I have a new challenge when it comes to focusing.

Being an entrepreneur, starting your own business and being a Squarespace web designer has definitely divided my attention many days.

The newest challenge to my ability to focus is all the little distractions throughout the day eating up my time and attention. 

A few things that help me focus and will probably help or validate you too.

How I Stay Focused as an Entrepreneur

Planning and automating as much as possible during the week and carving out specific times for specific tasks like content creation.


I like to plan out my week on the weekend before and it isn’t too hard when I’m staying consistent.

I know which days I post certain things and the deadlines.

My schedule is still pretty flexible right now so it isn’t too hard.

I’m currently trying to plan out more than one week at a time which can be challenging while leaving some flexibility or wiggle room.


Alerts to remind me of important events and deadlines. The only problem can be remembering the alerts!

So I try to immediately set them so I’m not trying to constantly juggle this information in my brain.

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    The humble alert function on my iPhone is more useful to me than many of the dormant organization apps I keep downloading and failing to use.

    Taking Breaks

    The most underrated strategy for anything from focus to well being is taking breaks.

    I know the feeling of just wanting to squeeze in a few more tasks or just trying to push through your limits but consistently doing that is causing you more harm than good.

    These breaks don’t need to be extravagant or very long.

    I used to walk around the building I was working in twice a day, mostly for a change of scenery.

    I always felt better just moving my body and taking a break from thinking about work.

    Now that you know my secrets to stay focused as an entrepreneur I would love to hear yours.

    What do you do to improve your focus?

    Let me know in the comments.


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