What’s Your Inner Web Designer Style?

When I first started to learn about web design the whole process was so overwhelming.

The amount of resources to learn from and websites to find inspiration were amazing but also scared me a bit.

What if I wasn’t as good as these people? Maybe I should give up before I’ve even started.

I’m sure you’ve had that little negative voice pop up in your head when you try to learn something new or expand.

This little voice just fills you with doubt and emphasizes the negative over all other possibilities.

A Secret About That Voice

I’m going to tell you a secret about that voice.

It’s fear and it wants to keep you small and comfortable.

The comfort zone might be comfy but nothing ever changes there either.

If I told my past self even 5 to 10 years ago everything I’m doing now they would be excited and then immediately after anxious because I’m doing so many scary things in their eyes.

A few things I do now that would scare my past self:

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    Talking to strangers

    Making videos where strangers can see my face and posting them online

    Starting my own business

    Another secret about fear

    It never really goes away.

    Every time you try something a little new it will come out ready to fill you with doubts and second guessing yourself.

    So when fear shows up remember that this is a good thing. It means your stretching your comfort zone and ready to change.

    I’m so glad that fear is no longer in the driver’s seat. That’s how I’ve been able to learn and grow so much in the past 5 years.

    This is also how I’m able to help more people and offer fun, free resources like the one I just made.

    If you’ve ever been curious what your inner web designer style is- I’ve got a quiz for you!

    Check out the quiz and don’t let fear drive you away from your passions.


    Why Start Before You’re Ready?


    How to Create a Website in Squarespace