The Reasons Why You Really Need A Website

If you are a small business owner or a new business your main priority is making money! This can sometimes be taboo to say but it’s true. If your business doesn’t make money it’s just an expensive hobby. I’m going to tell you the reasons why you really need a website for your business.

Femme presenting black person hanging paper on a white brick wall

Why You Really Need a Website

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    Display Your Offers or Products

    Social media is fine when you’re starting out but what happens if one of these platforms like Instagram just vanishes overnight, stops showing your posts to your followers or has an outage at a bad time for you?

    Would that negatively impact your business?

    Would Instagram vanishing hurt your business?

    A well designed, professional website to show off your services, offers or products is more reliable than an app. This will also help your ideal clients find you.


    From scheduling a call to buying your product or service these actions can be done while you’re sleeping when you have a website.

    They are working 24/7 so you don’t have to!

    Your Website Can Do the Selling For You

    Your website is doing the selling for you no matter when your new clients find you.

    When you have automations connected to your email list you can grow even more without doing any extra work yourself.

    Pre Qualify Your Audience

    Your website shows off who you are, what you do and why you do it. This tells people if you are the right person to help them. This saves your time from talking to people who don’t understand your offer and aren’t ready to commit.

    Only the Right People Try to Work With You

    We all know that game of playing email or phone tag with a potential client. If your website tells them about you and what you offer they wouldn’t need to send you a million emails asking questions.

    It’s also great to include an FAQ section on your website to answer those questions you get asked all the time.

    Those are some of the most important reasons why you really need a website for your business.

    Let me know if you have any questions about how a website can work for you and your business in the comments.


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