Why I Use Reels in My Business

Have you heard over and over again about how video is the next big thing in social media and beyond?

I’m virtually raising my hand. Yeah me too.

For awhile I ignored this advice and all the marketing, content creators, business people and beyond saying to jump on this trend.

I finally made my first Reel in November 2021 and the results were wild. Check out all the details of my Reels journey in this post.

Today I’m going to talk about another reason to try out Reels for your business.

Why Use Reels in Your Business

Posting your videos across all the platforms

Why post your Reels to other platforms?

Beyond the reach you get on Instagram posting your Reel you can repurpose and post this content on other social media platforms.

Most people aren’t following you on every platform so reposting your content in new places will get more people watching. While more people are seeing and engaging with your content you’re also growing your audience.

This is why content marketing and repurposing your content is so effective.

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    It seems like you are spending a lot of time creating content and posting it but really you’re just reposting the same or slightly altered content across different platforms.

    How to repost Reels on other platforms

    While it’s really easy to download, share and repost videos from different platforms there is one extra step if you want the algorithm to play nice with your content. This is removing the watermark.

    You can record and download inside another app like CapCut or on your phone.

    There are websites that can remove the watermark for you.

    These are the websites to remove the watermark for TikTok and for Instagram Reels.

    Where else should I post Reels?

    Anywhere! More specifically all the places your ideal client hangs out.

    Make sure to customize your posting schedule to you, your energy levels and where you want to be seen.

    One of my friends told me to repost my Reels on TikTok and YouTube Shorts.

    I also started posting them on Facebook in Stories and posts last week. Not too many people post Stories in my Facebook group of friends so more people are watching them than I expected. Maybe they are bored or miss my face!

    Steal my Reels posting strategy

    I post around 3 Reels each week; 2 on weekdays and 1 on Saturday. I repost my Reels as Pinterest Idea Pins and on my personal and business Facebook Stories and as posts.

    Pinterest and Facebook are giving me some extra views and engagement so I’ll continue to reposting there. I’m going to test out posting Reels on TikTok and YouTube shorts. YouTube is slightly intimidating to me so we’ll see how this goes!

    Now that you know another reason why I use Reels for my business I want to hear from you. Let me know in the comments if you’re still thinking about trying Reels or if you’ve already made the leap to try them.

    Ready to learn more about Reels?

    Check out Steal My Reels my resource if you’re ready to stop wasting time and money on ads for a mediocre ROI in your business!

    Inside Steal my Reels I’m sharing my knowledge from 8 months of creating and posting Reels consistently and getting 270k views across all my Reels.


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