What's Stopping You From Creating Your Business Website?

When people are worried about wasting time or money that important task keeps getting put on the back burner. Then one day you try to crank it out and it ends up being a mess and you’re beyond frustrated.

Here are a few common road blocks I’ve seen that stop people from creating their business website.

Redesignia designed Squarespace website mockup on iPhone on coffee table

Road Blocks Stopping You From Creating a Business Website

Imposter Syndrome

Maybe you know a little bit about web design? Or you’re starting from scratch?

Either way before you even start you are sure that it isn’t going to work, that you’re going to fail, insert another excuse. What if I told you I had these exact same feelings too?

When I started learning web design over 5 years ago I knew just enough about web design to know that I didn’t know very much. I was so intimidated by the beautiful websites and portfolios I saw.

There was no way I could create something like that I thought. So why even try?

If you can navigate the internet, drag and drop with your mouse and have time to learn you can create a website in Squarespace.

Yes even you shaking your head no!


You know you can create a website but you need to learn more. Everyone can learn more! I’m not going to discourage learning.

I’ve learned so much more outside of school than I ever did in it! I like to think of myself as a perpetual student.

But eventually learning and researching becomes a crutch. This is my coping tool- that’s why I know it so well.

I don’t want to start until I know everything. Then I might need to keep looking for information because there is no way I know it all!

Do you see what happened there? I’m delaying starting or taking action by staying in learn and study mode.

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    Taking action, making decisions and messing up along the way will teach you so much more than just studying ever will.


    What all of these excuses boil down to is just plain old fear. Fear of showing up and messing up.

    Trust me when I say no one creates a business website perfectly the first time.

    There are so many parts of a website that something is forgotten or needs to be changed.

    The important part is creating your website and launching it.

    It’s great to have some web design experience before you start but definitely not required!

    Now that you’ve learned about some of the road blocks stopping you from creating your business website let me know if you feel more confident creating your website in the comments.


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