Why Ignoring Web Design Will Cost You Time and Sales

You’ve already got a million things on your plate as a business owner, so you might think that choosing to worry about web design is an extra headache you don’t need. Besides, it’s not like it could be that important, right? Not necessarily.

Your website is your online home—the place where people will go to learn more about what you do and how they can work with you.

If it isn’t crafted in a way that helps sales happen naturally, then it may be costing you time and money.

Here are five reasons why your current website isn’t working for you:

Your audience will leave.

Let's face it: people are busy. They don't want to spend their time on a site that doesn't meet their needs. And if they don't like your site, they'll leave.

But there's even more at stake here than just an abandoned shopping cart or lost ad impressions—the very nature of your business is at risk!

When people don't find what they're looking for on your website, they won't come back. And if that happens enough times? They'll go elsewhere and never return.

You will have no place for your offers to live.

We live in a world where each of us has multiple places to put our offers, and you need somewhere for your audience to find them.

Podcasting is huge right now, but if people can’t find your podcast on iTunes or Stitcher it won’t make any difference how amazing it is.

Your blog needs an email list so people know when new posts are up so they can share with friends and colleagues. If you have videos, they need a place too! If you want people subscribing to your newsletter - even better!

A website should be the center of all things related to your business - where everything lives.

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You don’t have a place for your dream clients to find you.

If a client is looking for your services and you don’t have a place for them to find you, they won't be able to find you.

This can cost you time and sales because when someone is searching for a service like yours they may type in some keywords that are close to what you offer but aren’t exactly right (for example: “web designers in San Francisco”).

If they don't land on your website, what happens? They either have no idea who else might be able to help them or they end up with another company that isn't quite right either.

That leads me into my next point:

People might think you’re unprofessional.

It’s important to maintain a professional image. Your website is the first impression people get when they Google your name, and it can make or break their confidence in you as a business owner.

If you don’t have a professional web design, people will think you are unprofessional and untrustworthy.

If your site looks like it was designed by a child, no one will want to work with you! You need to be trustworthy and professional in order to win over your dream clients.

A great website is an essential part of establishing trustworthiness and credibility within your industry.

It can cost you time and sales.

If your site is not working, it can cost you time and sales. The longer a broken website remains active, the more potential customers will be lost.

If website visitors find an error message instead of a well-designed page, they’re likely to leave the site in frustration and never return.

If you want to retain the customers who land on your site and increase their likelihood of purchasing something from you by providing a smooth user experience (UX), make sure that your web designer is capable of creating an intuitive layout that’s easy for them to navigate.

Having an unprofessional website will cost you time, money, and sales! Sign up for Square Aware and create a beautiful, professional website in just 30 days!

Introducing Square Aware

If you're not getting enough clients and sales, it might be time to consider the quality of your website.

By having a professional and well-designed website, you'll attract more clients who are looking for someone like you!

Another thing that makes Square Aware unique is how easy it is to use; while most other web design platforms require complicated technical knowledge or expensive software programs (or both!), Square Aware has all the tools built right into its system in Squarespace—which means less time spent trying to figure out how everything works and more time spent enjoying life!

Hopefully, this has given you a clear understanding of the importance of web design for your business. It may seem like a “nice to have” but it’s actually crucial for your success!

Your website is the first thing that people see when they search for you online and it’s where your dream clients will find you and decide if they want to work with you.

Don’t just throw up a DIY site without any direction or strategy and call it good—it won’t cost you any sales today but it definitely will down the road. So what are you waiting for? Head over to Square Aware now and sign up!


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