Are You Making These Website Mistakes?

Most mistakes I see on websites are so easy to fix. This is great news if you are creating your website from scratch. These are the website mistakes I see most often and the easy solutions to fix them. I've learned these from experience creating websites for five years and from learning web design. Once you fix these mistakes your website is much more likely to engage with your audience and become helpful to you and your business.

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5 Website Mistakes

Mistake #1- No CTA

You don’t have a Call to Action or CTA on your website. When someone lands on your page they don't know what to do, scroll a bit and then leave.

Solution #1

Create a CTA for your specific audience that grabs their attention. They will stay engaged with your website and are more likely to work with you again in the future or visit your website again.

Mistake #2- Too Many Design Elements

This one I call the too much gene. I know it can be hard to narrow down your options but having too many colors, fonts, pictures just looks chaotic and messy for most people and websites.

Solution #2

Edit down your options. This makes so many things easier like creating content across multiple platforms. This is also tied to your ideal audience or client.

Mistake #3- Offers Not Displayed

A lot of people don’t like to come off as bragging or sales-y so they don’t display their offers or talk about them.

Solution #3

Show off and talk about your stuff. If someone is on your website it means they are interested! If you don’t tell them about what you sell or do they will never know! Include an introduction or list section on your homepage or landing page that links to a full webpage with all the details.

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    Mistake #4- Too Many Words

    You’ve shoved too much information or text that is too small and hard to read into every corner of your website.

    Solution #4

    Unless your website is academic or this is a creative choice you can get rid of the excess words. Add space, make text large and easy to read. Also make sure there is enough contrast between the text and the background color.

    Mistake #5- No Niche

    You don’t know who your target audience or client is so your web design and social media fluctuates based on trends leaving your followers confused.

    Solution #5

    Find your target audience- this can change as who you want to serve and help evolves over time, stick with one and then pivot when it doesn't work

    Now that you know about website mistakes are you ready to know what your inner web designer is? I just created a free quiz! Try it and let me know down below what your results are.


    How to Choose the Best Images for Your Website


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