Website Design vs Marketing: Finding The Perfect Balance

Until recently I thought marketing was a scam.

This is because I didn’t know a lot about marketing and what I did know was sleazy sales techniques. Ask me about all the entry level "marketing" jobs I interviewed for after graduating college that were just direct sales.

I thought marketing and sales were basically the same. Since I didn’t like sales, why would I like marketing?

Coffee and notebook on white table with white chair

I understand why some people might think having a website is the same as a marketing plan.

They definitely work better together like using a marketing strategy to get people to your website.

While they are not exactly the same, they’re both valuable for your business.

What Your Website Does

Your website is where people and potential clients go to deep dive on you and your services. Sometimes they come from a social media post, a referral or from a Google search.

Using strategy and great design your website captures the attention of your ideal clients by speaking to their pain points with your products or services as the solution. Sounds easy enough, right?

People can get hung up on different parts of the process of creating their site that aren’t a big deal. If you’re a DIY designer, the web designer right now, having a simple, strategic website is better than agonizing over small details that many people won’t notice like fonts. (easy web design updates)

Tell Your Story

Don’t be afraid to go deep but make sure you’re comfortable. Sharing your founder story on your blog or about page is a great way to connect with people who might not know you very well when visiting your site for the first time.

Also you can share as much or as little about your journey on your website as you feel comfortable. Sharing your story online makes you more relatable to your potential clients. This proves that you aren’t perfect, who is?, and you created and learned how to do your expertise anyway.

Your website is the juicy deep dive into your offers and services that you talk about on the surface level in your marketing. Other things that your website can have are lead magnets, free resources, like a blog, and it even your digital products.

What Your Marketing Does

Even though we want people to visit our websites the first time people learn about us will probably be through a marketing channel or social media.

Depending on your strengths and what marketing strategy you have will tell you the details of how your marketing works for you.

Marketing is the first taste people have of you and your brand so similar to your website you want to speak to potential clients pain points and invite them to learn more about you and your offers on your website.

Lead To Your Site

Your marketing provides valuable information for free and then always points back to your website. Start conversations, build relationships and invite people to visit your website to dive deeper.

Depending on the all mighty algorithm which varies widely by platform, people will find your posts if they are interested in your business or topic or if someone they know engaged with your content.

Essentially all the views and likes on social media doesn’t add up to anything if no one is checking out your website to learn more.

There is only so much you can say on these platforms, character limits, and since you don’t have full autonomy and ownership over them, they can be deleted at any time, so including a call to action or nudge to your website is a must.

They Work Together

They both show off your business and services but in different ways. They work together to round out your online presence so anyone that finds your website or your marketing will understand what you do. *insert hand shake emoji*

To cover all your bases having a well thought out marketing strategy with a well-designed website is the winning combo for creating a cohesive online presence that positions you as the expert and attracts your ideal clients.

Web Design vs Digital Marketing

You need a website and marketing strategy to thrive as a business owner. Choosing the right marketing strategy for you combined with an awesome website will attract your perfect fit clients. Use both of these to round out your online presence, make connections and keep growing your business.

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Make Money With Your Website Strategy


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