My Words for 2022

Redesignia founder Kristen Morris on her laptop

A new trend I’ve seen popping up on the internet is choosing a word for the year to help you to remember what you want to focus on in the upcoming year.

Try as I might- I couldn’t choose just one so I picked two!

My words for 2022 might seem like opposites but they are both important for me to remember this year.

My Words for 2022

Focus and Ease

A few blog posts ago, I wrote about how maintaining focus during my entrepreneurship journey is sometimes a struggle for me.

Keeping my focus and being aware that I need to bring it back to the important things I want to do and create this year focus is key.

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    With intense focus and work I also need the opposite which is taking breaks and finding ease in my day and life.

    Any day where I have a million things on my plate, if I try to power through the whole day with no breaks I always feel like a zombie at the end of the day and pass out!

    I think the idea of ease is talked down upon a lot as something unnecessary and luxurious.

    My idea of ease is a luxury while also being essential.

    My understanding of ease is taking breaks to do nothing or enjoy hobbies and tasks that have nothing to do with work or being productive.

    Let me know in the comments what words you’ve chosen for 2022 or what projects you’re focusing on in the new year.


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