My Secret for Creating Better Website Copy

I love to write- just not the kind of writing that works well on websites or copywriting.

I like to write without restraints, with flowing language and I like to break grammar rules all the time. Basically I'm a rebel.

But when it comes to copywriting for your website and business trying to use words effectively and strategically can be hard even if you enjoy writing.

Today I’m sharing my secret for creating better website copy that’ll help you craft some amazing and persuasive words for your website; market research.

Market Research

Market research is the tool I use to create better copy. If you don't know market research is asking people who are potential or former customers questions to gauge their interest and provide feedback on a product or service.

Think about all those customer satisfaction surveys companies try to force upon you when you just want to get off the phone!

Doing market research can help you get into the headspace of your ideal client and customer. The best way to connect with people and prove to them that you understand and empathize with their pain points or problems is using the language they use. That's why market research is so powerful.

Ask questions

You can start doing market research by asking open ended questions to people in your community and network. See if they can help you out. If you don't have a robust network or if you don't think anyone you know is your ideal client try out the second way.

Keep to about 10 questions or so since you don't want people to think you're interrogating them. Sweeten the deal by offering a small incentive. People love incentives even if it's just a small discount or a Starbucks gift card.

Here are some sample questions: What’s the biggest thing stopping you from X? How would your life look different if X was solved? What are the first steps you need to get started with X?

Answer questions

Another way you can start doing market research is by looking up questions online that people are asking about your topic. Two great websites to start with are Answer the Public and Quora.

Use these questions that people are already curious about to create your content and website in a way that answers them. You'll definitely get eyes on your content if you can do that with cool visuals and maybe video too.

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    Here’s an example: If people answer that learning about or dealing with the problem you solve overwhelms them make sure to use the word overwhelm in your copy. Not excessively but enough for them to notice.

    Here’s an example sentence: Is figuring out how to X completely overwhelming you?

    What if there was a simple solution for you to ditch the overwhelm and stop worrying about X?

    It's always better to go to the source and see how people are really talking about something instead of how we think they are.

    They might be similar but taking this extra step and doing market research will stop you from second guessing your copy.

    Using these tools of asking or answering questions will help you turn the information you gather into real copy for your website and other marketing materials.

    By using the tips from this blog post, you will be able to create better copy for your website, emails and other marketing materials.

    Use market research to talk to your audience, on a call or virtually, elevate your website copy and speak to your customers and clients.

    Now that you know my secret for creating better website copy let me know if you have any other questions about market research or copywriting in the comments.


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