How to Monetize Your Website

Websites are pretty to look at and fun to make, at least for me, but why do you need one? To put yourself out their online and hopefully make some money!

This blog post was inspired by a question from one of my Instagram Reels, follow along and see more of my face on video, and it was such an expansive topic I didn't think the character limit on Instagram could handle my full response! Here are 3 ways to monetize your website.

Neutral colored office supplies on a white table in front of a yellow background

Affiliate Marketing

I'm not an expert when it comes to affiliate marketing. What I do know is you can review products, give testimonials and then have affiliate links throughout your posts where you earn a commission off of your click through and purchase rate from your blog.

To learn more about affiliate marketing just search online and on YouTube.

Affiliate marketing is great if you want to review products and drive traffic to your website through SEO and keywords in your tutorials and insights about products.

I have a blog from years ago that I could use for this but I never wanted to monetize it since it was a creative project mostly. If affiliate marketing isn’t your jam check out the next 2 ways to monetize your website.

Digital Products

Digital products are digital assets or downloads that can be sold online over and over. Unlike physical goods, a digital product supply is limitless. Some examples of digital products are downloads, templates, videos, mini courses- the list goes on and on! Anything that someone can download online that you created is a digital product.

For years I've heard people talking online about how creating and selling digital products is a great way to earn passive income. I've tried a few different ways and the one that worked out for me was creating my own digital products and selling them through my website. They live on another platform, Thinkific, because all that content would slow down my site.

How would creating a digital product work for you? As one of my business coaches says even if you're in a crowded or niche market no one has created your version of this product yet. The demand for digital products and downloads is high with almost 60 percent of the world's population online so you have quite an audience to sell to.

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    I would use your own website or platform to offer these digital products to people since you will be in charge of and own this platform.

    A lot of people use Etsy but they can ban or delete your account any time they want. They also take a hefty percentage of your sales.

    Just another reason to host or redirect your digital products and downloads from your website.

    Sell your Services

    A great way to make money online is selling your services or products on your website.

    This can range from a one off simple project to massive and more in depth projects or packages.

    What you have expertise and skills in will determine what services you can help people with.

    I learned web design and brand strategy so offering those services in my packages area of my website makes sense.

    Learning how to productize your services into digital products as an online business owner or entrepreneur is a smart way to grow a sustainable income without working more hours in your business.

    This is why I use a combination of digital products and selling my services in my business.

    Try out these 3 ways to monetize your website and let me know if you have any questions down below.


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