Ignoring Your Website Will Cost You Time and Sales

A website is the foundation of your business, and the first impression that you make on potential clients. If you want to attract dream clients and run a successful online business, it's absolutely essential that you have a professionally designed website that reflects your brand values.

Empty picture frames resting against a white wall

But why would you need to invest in something as simple as a web designer? Well, here are five reasons why ignoring web design costs time, money and sales.

You need a website.

You need a website for anyone to find you on the internet. It’s hard to imagine that the information age is still in its infancy, but it is.

The average person has not yet realized how important it will be to have their own presence online, or what exactly that means.

But here's the problem: most companies do not want to share information about themselves and instead would rather spend their marketing dollars elsewhere (like Facebook).

So even though they may be technically savvy enough to create an account on Twitter or LinkedIn, they still don't see the value in having a personal website where they can post news articles related directly back into their business model in order attract new clients/customers/investors/etcetera. The point is you're missing out!

There's no place for your offers to live.

The first thing your visitors will see when they land on your site is your homepage or landing page. The homepage is supposed to be a reflection of your business: it's where you highlight what makes you different from the competition, what sets you apart and why people should buy from you instead of someone else.

But if there's no place for your offers to live? If the only thing visible on the homepage is an empty space or a loading icon?

Then that says something about how professional and serious about business you are. It tells visitors that either this site hasn't been updated in a long time (not good) or that whatever content was there has since been deleted (very bad).

There's no clear call to action.

As a consumer, you're all too familiar with this one: You've scrolled through a website and you're looking for the button that takes you to the next step. But there's no clear way forward.

Your eye keeps being drawn back to the same page because there's nothing else for it to focus on—no obvious place to click or link or submit an email address, etc.

This can be frustrating for users who are just trying to get what they want out of a website—which is usually pretty straightforward stuff like "buy my product" or "sign up for my newsletter." I

t also means your conversion rates could suffer as a result of poor user experience design.

Your dream clients can't find you.

Smiling Redesignia founder Kristen Morris Squarespace web designer in red top with a neutral background

As a business owner, you already know that your dream clients are out there. You just need to find them.

You may be able to find clients through word-of-mouth, but not all of them will have friends who work in the same industry as you do.

A website is an essential tool for any business owner because it allows potential customers and other business owners alike to learn more about you and what you do before reaching out personally (or even contacting someone else).

A website also gives people an easy way to contact you directly if they want information or are ready to hire someone like yourself right away—and if this sounds appealing enough so far… we haven't even gotten into how much money web design costs yet!

Your website doesn't look professional.

Your website is the online representation of your business, so it's important that it looks professional and trustworthy. If your site looks unprofessional and unpolished, it will reflect on you and your company.

Potential customers are more likely to trust someone who has a polished, professional looking site rather than one that doesn't have any design elements at all or looks like it was created by an amateur.

A professional website will also make you look more credible in front of potential customers because they'll see that you're serious about running a successful business; this can help build their confidence in working with you instead of someone else who may not be as capable or trustworthy as them (why we recommend learning from or hiring an expert).

Learn how to create your dream website!

I've created a free class just for you. It's called "6 Steps to Create Your Dream Website". In it, I will teach you how to make your website more professional and attract dream clients. In this digital age, a website is the most important place to showcase your business. It will help you attract dream clients and generate leads.

If you don’t have one yet, or if yours needs an overhaul, learn more about creating a beautiful website that attracts dream clients at my free class. You’ll also find out about common web design myths that I bust and my framework to create a website. Don't miss out- sign up today!


Your Website Makes Your Online Business Special


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