Everything You Wanted to Know About Web Design and Were Too Afraid To Ask

There are so many resources online for learning web design it would take you decades just to scroll through all the results. When you search for web design free resources you get over one billion results! That’s a lot of results to sift through.

Web design is more than just a pretty, functioning website. I’ve been in web design for years, and if there’s one thing I can tell you, it’s that the process of creating a website is far more complicated than you think.

If you don’t create your website with a strategy in mind it doesn’t matter how nice your site looks people will leave. Keep reading to learn everything you wanted to know about web design and were too afraid to ask.

Common Web Design Questions

Open laptop and coffee mug on neutral colored bed

I don’t know where to find high quality stock photos and graphics.

Stock photos and graphics are an important part of any website. They can really help create the correct feel for your product or service.

How can you find high quality stock photos and graphics? There are hundreds of sites that offer free or paid images for commercial use, such as Shutterstock and Adobe Stock.

If you’re a photographer or friends with one, they can also take some pictures for you. Even if you just have a phone your camera can work pretty well for an impromptu photo shoot.

Finding great stock photos is easier than ever. For more stock photos and graphics check out Pics for Clicks my free download filled with 100+ websites filled with high quality graphics for your website or any project you’re presenting online.

My favorite stock photo website is Unsplash because there are such a wide variety of photos to choose from in different categories. I really enjoy searching through the site to find hidden gems for graphic design projects and websites I’m creating.

I don’t know what to write on my website.

Now that you understand why you need a website, it’s important to know what to write on your site.

Graphics and photos capture attention but your words and copy will pull them in and keep them scrolling. It takes more than having some nice photos on your website to keep people’s attention.

You need a home page that explains what your company is and what they do. Your home page should also include a contact form or email address so people can easily reach out if they have any questions about what you do. It’s important not to make this too long because then people won’t read it.

You only have 50 milliseconds to make a first impression on your website!

There are three different ways to create your website copy if you aren’t using a copywriter. My secret for creating copy that engages your ideal audience and keeping them on your website is market research.

This method is free but time and research intensive. It is effective because the words and phrases people are searching for or use when answering your questions will appeal to them more than you guessing what those words would be.

I don’t need a website. I have a huge following on Instagram or TikTok.

Redesignia founder Kristen Morris waving at client on laptop while holding a blue coffee mug

Controversial opinion alert! As a web designer I don’t try to convince people they need a website.

If you’re just starting out with a new project or business and you can find and engage with your ideal clients without one, that’s great!

There are a lot of benefits to having your own domain and building your brand there.

A website can build your brand, community, email list and help with sales and marketing.

But when you’re ready to add automations and ease into your life and business a website can save you a lot of time and stress offloading those tasks you don’t enjoy doing.

Social media is great for outreach but if this is the only way people can find you what happens when there’s an outage or the app just disappears?

Remember the FB outage of 2021 and all the horror stories of people losing money because this was the only way they had to monetize their business? You don’t want that to be you.

Free Class

Want to learn more web design tips and tricks? Make sure to check out my free class 6 Steps to Creating Your Dream Site which will be available by the end of the week!

Inside I’ll bust some common web design myths and give you a peek at my web design strategy so you can learn how to create your website like a web designer.

Sign up for my free class and let me know if you have any questions in the comments.


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