Don't Copy Your Competitors Website!

You want your website to be an effective marketing tool for your business and brand. But if you’re creating your website for the first time it might be overwhelming.

You may be tempted to use someone else’s website as a template or just copy and paste their design or colors.

There’s so many reasons not to do this! Your site should be unique, because a unique design and brand strategy will help people remember your business and want to buy from you.

Hands with a pen and crumpled post it notes on a dark background

A unique design also helps you stand out from similar businesses in your industry, which is important if you want to attract new customers and retain existing ones.

Don't Copy Your Competition

Your website should be unique to your brand and audience. This will help your ideal clients remember you, and you’ll stand out from the competition online.

When potential customers are looking for a product or service they want something different that is uniquely suited to solve their problems.

They also want to know who the company is and how it fits into their life.

The goal of having a website shouldn't be just to drive traffic but also create brand awareness, build trust and loyalty with customers, establish yourself as an authority in your niche market, generate leads and convert them into paying customers.

Why your website should be unique

Why? Well, for one thing, it's just not a good idea to do that and you would be doing yourself a huge disservice. There’s no good reason to copy another business’ branding because it will make you look like an amateur and people will remember that.

Your clientele or ideal clients won't resonate with other businesses branding so why should they come to your site if they can find what they want on someone else's site? You want them coming back again and again right?

So don't copy anyone! You are unique so let your website speak for itself by being different than anyone else's out there in the world of digital marketing tools such as this one!

Your site will stand out

Many websites that are all in one niche or topic start to blend in and seem similar to each other even if they aren’t trying to copy each other. I see this happen a lot in industries like wedding photography.

It’s become very trendy to use a neutral color palette and script (cursive) fonts in this industry. There’s nothing wrong with using these design elements if it works for your brand and is attracting your perfect clients.

The problem is when everyone’s websites look the same in an industry you won’t be memorable to potential clients and they might choose someone else over you. Just because you were too similar!

One way to make sure you stand out from your competition is to do market research and create a brand strategy focused on your ideal audience.

If you take advantage of these strategies in your business then your website will stand out from your competitors and be memorable.

All of this will help you get more customers than any other competitor in your field.

Your audience won't resonate with other businesses branding

A business that isn't focused on their ideal client, or audience, isn't going to resonate with their target market. Your branding should be unique and tailored to you and your business.

Even if you’re in the same industry your websites should be different based on your audience. Your ideal clients might be completely different or want another experience from you.

Market research and targeted brand strategy will help you hone in on the special sauce that is what you stand for, your unique offerings and how you want people to feel after working with you.

Your ideal client doesn't want to be sold to, they want to buy from you. If your ideal client can't find you online, they can't buy from you!

Your ideal clients will find your site

Your ideal client will remember you and your website, even if they're not actively looking for a solution. If you want to be memorable, it's important that your website is well-designed and easy to remember.

You want people who are browsing through their Facebook feed or searching on Google to be able to find your business easily.

There are many different ways that people can find you online: search engines (Google), social media (Facebook), review sites (Yelp), content marketing websites etc).

It's crucial that your website is set up in such a way that customers can easily navigate through it and find what they're looking for quickly.

Build the know, like and trust factor

Build a brand that stands out. If you want to get noticed, you need to create a unique brand for your business. When people see your business, they should know it’s yours and not someone else’s.

Create a brand that your ideal client will remember. Your social media profile is one of the first things people see about your company—and it can make or break their opinion of you as an expert in your field, so make sure it looks professional and inviting at all times!

Build the know like and trust factor. The best way to build this is through consistency in messaging across all channels (social media profiles, email signatures etc.).

Make sure everything says the same thing, otherwise people will wonder if they are talking with different people across different platforms!

Create a brand that stands out and your ideal client will remember you.

You can't just copy your competitors' website and expect to win out. Your brand is unique, so you need to make sure it stands out from the crowd.

Your ideal clients will remember you if they see something that's memorable from your competition online.

In order to get people talking about your business, you have to start conversations by providing value and offering something different than everyone else in your industry.

You need a brand that resonates with people on an emotional level; a brand they can connect with because it's authentic, genuine, and real.

Why you shouldn’t copy your competition

I am a firm believer in creating unique websites that reflect your business and the ideal client that it appeals to. It is important to build the know like and trust factor with this person so they come back again and again.

This also keeps them engaged with your content which will lead them closer towards conversion!

If you’re ready for me to upgrade your website check out my packages or VIP days.


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