3 Reasons To Stop Thinking About Creating Your Website

It’s so easy to get paralyzed by doubt and not take action. There’s so many excuses our minds come up with.

I’m not ready. I don’t know what I’m doing.

Or, the one that always gets me, I’ll just do a little more research.

If I stopped myself from trying to create my blog then I wouldn’t be a web designer today!

Here’s 3 reasons why you should stop thinking about creating your website and just do it!

People will find you.

How do you find people on the internet? Some form of searching or maybe a recommendation from a friend or a blog.

The best part of directing people to your website is that you own that platform. Instagram could go down at any time (which happened in 2021!) and tons of people lost out on sales because that was what they were using instead of a website.

If you already have a following on another platform, great! You can send them to your website to download a lead magnet or other freebie to grow your email list and nurture your audience.

Taking a step further if you want to use content marketing as your strategy of choice starting a blog and using snippets of that content on your other social media platforms will also increase your website traffic.

You will look professional.

Does every person and business need a website? It depends on what your needs are since there are so many phases of business from the beginner to the expert.

If you just need a simple landing page or you are just starting out you might not need one yet. But if you’re trying to grow your business and have automations in place to save you time and money a website can definitely do that for you.

Even though putting up a one page website can be really easy a lot of people get stuck trying to make it too complicated. Square Dare is perfect for you if you need to create a simple landing page in 2 days.

Your website does the hard work for you.

Would you like a salesperson you pay a nominal fee to who will work 24/7 and be able to help and attract your ideal clients? That’s what your website can do for you!

You can create a form to screen or prequalify any potential clients that browse your website. You can tell stories to introduce yourself and have people really understand you and the mission behind what you do and who you serve.

Now that you know about 3 reasons you should stop thinking about creating your website I want to let you know about my free resources at the top of this website and my Squarespace templates.


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