Take These 2 Great Courses to Learn Web Design

There are two ways to learn most skills. Dive in and consume all the free resources and practice to learn as you create or do. The second way is to pay for a roadmap as a shortcut to learn this skill faster.

Redesignia designed website mockup on iPad in front of white curtain

When learning outside of school I like to take the DIY approach first. I can't tell you how many times I was super excited to learn a new skill.

After I started learning about it, sometimes it just wasn't as interesting or engaging to me.

This is why DIY first is my favorite way to learn and when I'm ready to learn more quickly I invest in a program or course to learn faster.

This is the same with web design. I started learning web design for fun as a creative outlet while working my full time job.

Once I realized how much I enjoyed creating websites for people and how this was a valuable skill I decided to invest in some courses to learn more.

Take these 2 great courses to learn Squarespace web design: Squarespace Design Course and Square Secrets Business.

Squarespace Design Course

Puno from ilovecreatives is a great, enthusiastic teacher. If you've seen any of her presentations, videos or interviews she can make almost any subject matter engaging.

I started this course at the end of 2018 because I was curious to upgrade my web design skills.

I really enjoyed the amount of creative freedom in this course. One of the projects you complete is creating 3 different websites to show off what you've learned. I went really creative and bold with my website projects using my custom graphic designs as inspiration.

When I was taking this course several years ago I wasn't really thinking about starting my own business or working with clients. This course does touch on finding clients as a freelancer. At the time freelancing and finding clients was too intimidating for me.

The community Slack channels were fun and a bit overwhelming for me because I didn’t have much experience with Slack. You also get 1:1 feedback from a TA, Puno and other students if you’re willing share your website URL in the Slack channels.

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    I definitely recommend this course as a fun way to learn how to break the Squarespace template and to learn web design fast!

    Check out the course website and sign up for the waitlist.

    Square Secrets Business Course

    Paige Brunton has two different Squarespace web design courses; one focusing on web design and the other on business.

    I needed to learn about the business side of web design so I took the Square Secrets Business Course.

    Flash back to tail end of 2020. I'm reading Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo and this little voice that's been urging me to start a business starts shouting! I figure why not go for it.

    I don't know if it was the universe or the algorithm but after some frantic searching online for answers to creating a web design business Paige and her webinar popped up.

    In Square Secrets Business so many of my questions were answered like how to talk to clients in the Email Script Templates and how to choose which marketing strategy will work best for me and my business goals.

    Another great plus is the Facebook group and community. I'm not really on Facebook that much for the friend updates even though I love to see some cute pictures of friends kids!

    Mostly I use Facebook now for the different groups I'm in to network and connect with people.

    For learning the business side of web design and the awesome, supportive community I definitely recommend this course!

    If you're looking for a discount code just sign up for the Paige Brunton email list. It's the best way to get discounts on the course and her other digital products.

    Now that you know about my two favorite courses to learn web design let me know in the comments if you tried these courses or other ones to upgrade your skills.


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