Why Is Having a Great Website so Important?

Here’s a secret that’s not really a secret. Having a great website can save you time, money and sell for you while you’re out living your life. It can also be your most important and hard working employee in your business.

But if you're not a web designer, it can be hard to understand why exactly this goes beyond just having a pretty face for your business.

This is a topic I could talk about endlessly! I don’t want to chew your virtual ear off so I’ve capped it at four reasons why having a great website is so important.

First Impressions

Have you been super excited to work with someone who you’ve only seen online like in a video or post? Then you go to their website and it’s… not the best.

This isn’t to shame anyone who has a simple website or landing page when they start out. Honestly that’s all you really need at the beginning or pivoting your business.

Your online presence across multiple social media platforms, your website and any media coverage you have should reflect you and your business in a way that it attracts your ideal clients.

Your website is a reflection of your brand and that crucial first impression that customers will have of you. They will judge your business based on how professional and well-designed your site looks, so it is very important to take the time to create a great one.

Brand Consistency

When you think about brand consistency, what comes to mind?

  • Do you think about your favorite websites and the elements of the design that make them feel so comfortable?

  • Do you think about how brands like Coca-Cola and Nike are able to create a visual identity that makes their products instantly recognizable?

Having a cohesive and consistent brand helps you stand out in the digital space and among your competitors. This means getting really clear on what design elements you want to use for your branding like colors, fonts and photos. When you can tie all these elements together and keep your brand following these guidelines potential clients will recognize and remember you.

Whatever it is that comes to mind when thinking about brand consistency, there is no doubt that a consistent look and feel helps build trust, awareness and overall customer experience.

More Credibility

Even though basically anyone can create a website today having one that is well-designed and professional will do you more favors than one that looks like it was created at the last minute.

More and more, consumers are becoming savvy to the fact that there are a lot of different types of businesses out there. Each one is going to have its own quirks, strengths, weaknesses—but if you’re going to be successful in building trust with your clients, it’s important for them to know that you have a great website design behind all your marketing efforts.

A good website will help convince visitors that your company is credible and trustworthy. It can also help you communicate with customers about things like privacy policies or contact information at a glance (without having to navigate through endless pages).

Customer Experience

In general, we believe that customer experience is an important part of providing an overall positive experience for your customers. But there's so much more to it than just talking to them and sending out automated responses!

The customer experience is about helping your customers solve their problems—and doing so quickly. You should be looking for ways to make their lives easier every day.

Having a clear and easy to navigate site tells people that your priority is to help them find what they need instead of hiding the information or making it difficult to find. Another great tool to add to your website is having a way to search for information if someone can’t remember how they found it the first time.

Your website is your digital home and makes a huge impression on your potential clients and customers.

Your website is the first point of contact between you and your customer and it needs to be professional, high quality and easy to navigate. A good website will ensure that customers can easily find what they are looking for on your website.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and have learned something new about the importance of having a great website. If you’re ready to upgrade your website this year check out my VIP days for quick fixes and my web design and branding packages for a full redesign.


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