Choose The Right Marketing Strategy For You

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Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

Have you experienced this as a business owner yet?

You spend hours creating a piece of content that speaks to your target audience, looks nice and post it.

A few likes roll in, maybe a comment or two and then everyone moves on.

This makes you feel like giving up on marketing, right?

Consistency is important in business and marketing is not the exception.

You can’t be everywhere at once unless you post the same content everywhere and usually have a team behind you.

Learn how to pick the right marketing strategy for you and your business that will stick around long term.

Focus On Your Strengths

We all have different strengths. Mine involve strategic thinking according to Clifton Strengths Finder and my lived experience as a chronic overthinker.

If I forced myself to attend a bunch of events or anything involving public speaking I would not have a good time or be in my element. It may sound obvious but focusing on your strengths will make your marketing more fun to do and be consistent.

If you love to talk try creating podcasts, videos or recording client calls or interviews (with permission!). If you love writing then blog posts, articles or posting your thoughts on Threads will be fun for you.

Narrow down the types of content that would be easy or effortless for you to make. Eventually move away from creating and posting other types of content.

Pick Your Platform

I didn’t take this advice as an over excited new business owner years ago (learn from my mistakes!) but choose a few platforms to start with then expand. Eventually you will find the ones that work the best for you and your business.

For me that’s Threads and LinkedIn. I still enjoy posting and interacting on other platforms but these 2 are where I spend the bulk of my time and effort.

It can feel really tempting to spend a lot of time creating and perfecting content while showing up on every social media platform. But this is a recipe for burn out.

I promise people will find you on your chosen platforms even if the self-proclaimed Instagram gurus say otherwise.

Create A Schedule

The perfect posting or content schedule doesn’t exist. It’s personal for you and your brand. This is where a lot of testing and trying out what works for you comes in.

I post on social media platforms 1-2 times a week and engage in the comment section daily. It didn’t start out this way.

A year or two ago I was posting 5-6 Reels a week which is exhausting just to think about. I was able to keep up this pace for awhile but eventually I needed a break to avoid burn out. Coming back a month later my content got a lot less engagement.

To prevent burn out and undo stress create a schedule of posting that works for you that’s easy to stick with even when you feel busy.

Have An Engagement Strategy

This concept isn’t revolutionary but I heard, “you have to be social on social media” and for some reason the light bulb finally went off in my head.

I would complain sometimes when no one was engaging in my content but I wasn’t engaging with anyone else’s either! People like to reciprocate.

I would advise, unless you love spending hours scrolling on social media, to cap it before hitting an hour in one sitting.

Breaking it up throughout the day in 5 to 10 minute increments makes it easier to engage for a few spare minutes instead of blocking out a whole hour is a bigger commitment.

What’s the right marketing strategy for you?

Hopefully you figured out how to hone in on your strengths, pick a platform and have a schedule that works for you. Don’t worry about figuring it out right away.

This is one of the exciting aspects of entrepreneurship. Testing and learning what works and moving forward with a marketing strategy you like and is easy for you to do.

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