How to Get a Quick Website Fix

Need a quick website fix? Everyone is looking for a quick and easy fix to their problems. We want it to be painless, right?

Most of the time unless it is a really small tweak there are many other issues or areas that can be improved adding up to a lot more.

That’s the blessing and curse being so detail oriented as a designer. It’s my job to spot any glaring issues and those small glitches.

Whether you're a DIY designer learning and doing web design yourself or you want to outsource the tech work here are 3 ways to fix your website quickly.

DIY Designer

For a quick site fix the easiest thing for a DIYer to do is find the information yourself. Use your search engine of choice and find the answer or the people that do.

Focus On

Find the dedicated forums, communities and groups that are valuable to you and the platform you're using. I visit the Squarespace help center all the time when I get stuck.

Over 7 years ago I started out as a DIY designer learning the easy way to create websites in Squarespace. I was super excited to be able to design websites easily without worrying about coding.

There weren’t tons of free web design resources for Squarespace then but there’s a treasure trove to be found now!

Custom Solution

Bookmark those sites and join groups with the depth of knowledge you need. Finding a few dedicated creators on YouTube with informative videos and tutorials is helpful too.

Middle Manager

You've gone the DIY route and have some expertise and tools under your belt. Now you want the easier route with a semi custom design without investing in a custom designed site.

Focus On

Upgrading your landing page or simple site without taking too much time and spending a bunch.

This is why Squarespace templates are such a hit with online service providers and business owners. You get the structure of a great site where you plug in your content and make it your own. Customizing your Squarespace template is a lot easier than you think.

Many entrepreneurs love the flexibility of using a template that they can make their own. Just plug in your photos, copy and branding and your site could be live within a few days to a week. That’s a much faster launch time and bang for your buck.

Custom Solution

The perfect compromise between DIY web design and custom made sites is Squarespace templates made by a web designer.

Outsourcing Biz Owner

For fast site changes finding a dedicated web designer who offers VIP days or maintenance packages will serve you well.

Focus On

Outsourcing all the tasks that are draining your time. If this includes your website than find a web designer to redesign your site, do updates and keep up with the consistent changes that come along with keeping on top of tech.

When I did market research a few years back on what business owners wanted out of their websites and their frustrations most of them wanted to outsource this work eventually. Even if they couldn’t make the investment yet it was definitely a goal in the future.

I always forget how even though web design is fun and comes easily to me for lots of other people they don’t want to do it at all. Which is totally fine! We should all be working with our strengths and areas of interest that light us up. That’s the dream of being a business owner.

Custom Solution

Finding a dedicated web designer to upkeep and redesign your site taking the tech piece of your plate.

How do I get a quick website fix?

It all depends on where you are in your business and website journey. Some business owners love to get their hands dirty and know all the ins and outs of their website.

Others want to be more hands off as long as the website is bringing in customers and working correctly they are happy. For those in the middle a Squarespace template they can customize with their content is the best fit.

For more quick website fixes look through the Redesignia blog and be on the look out for my Squarespace template shop launching soon!


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