Launch Your Site the Right Way

After going through all the hard work of sourcing photos, creating a structure for your landing page and learning everything about design the last thing you want to do is launch your site to crickets. Just like launching a new offer, product or service you need to let people know and stand out online. If you wait for people to find you, you’ll be waiting awhile.

This is something I didn’t put into practice on my first website, Kristen Morris Writes, because I wasn’t selling anything. It was a blog and design portfolio to show off my creative chops and projects. I had so much fun continuing to change and tweak the site it lead me to exploring web design as a career.

Learn more about how to launch your site and build momentum that carries over into your business.


Choose a marketing plan and strategy that works for you. Once you’ve figured out a marketing strategy it’s time to implement it.

Take content marketing as an example. You create one blog post a week. Then break that blog into smaller, digestible posts for social media.

Share your blog post link on these platforms. Most social media platforms like Pinterest love new, recently created links and will give your post a boost.

That’s why I created the Redesignia blog. I create one mega piece of content, a blog post, and then break that up into smaller chunks for weekly posts spread across Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Pinterest.

A lot of people love content marketing but creating content every week can be exhausting and overwhelming.

If content marketing isn’t your jam there’s tons of other methods out there including podcasting, creating a lead magnet and networking. It can be overwhelming to try and do every marketing tactic so choose one, stick with it and adjust as needed.


Start building backlinks and driving traffic through keywords. For more on keyword research check out the research for your business deep dive.

Backlinks boost your SEO so they can really help your website and business. This is when another trusted site links back to yours. It’s like telling Google you’re reliable and trustworthy.

Use those backlinks to grow. In your network, community or through cold pitching find websites and people that need content in your area of expertise.

Reach out to them offering to create content for them like a blog post, article or video for their website. In exchange, ask for your website to be linked as well as a quick CTA and bio at the end of your content.

I talked all about how research is important to your business in the last blog post and one of those was keyword research. This way you’ll know what people are searching for related to your topic and answer these questions with your website content and copy.

If you wait for people to find you, you’ll be waiting awhile.

Share Your Genius

Talk about yourself and your site on all the platforms and with people in your community. Even if you feel like your reach online is small take the sometimes scary first step and share anyway. How will people know about your awesome products or services if you don’t tell them?

Be a podcast guest or start your own. Find podcasts who serve an audience that is the same or similar to yours. Reach out to the hosts or fill out a guest questionnaire or application. Make sure to follow up a few times. These people are busy!

Make sure you aren’t being demanding or pushy. Focus on how you can bring value to their audience. Pitch at least 3 topics and say you’re open to other suggestions from them. You can have your website linked on their podcast page and on your website and do a quick CTA to your offers at the end of your interview.

Use organic traffic boosters to grow. We are bombarded with so much information online it’s easy to forget something we only see once. This is why posting multiple times on different platforms talking about your website launch is so important.

Sometimes it might feel like a lot but unless you’re posting 20 times a day it’s not!

Launch Your Site Strategy Checklist

  • Tell everyone you know about your new or redesigned website.

  • Include your website URL or link everywhere including social media profiles and your email footer.

  • Tease your launch on social media and your email list.

  • Tell people to share your website with others who could benefit from your products or services.

  • Do a free press release. PR log has a free option I’ve used before.

  • Share in your networking groups and community.

  • Create social media posts to celebrate when it’s live!

  • Offer discounts or promo codes to people who give you referrals, see your posts or your email list.

How to Launch Your Site

Just like launching anything else in your business it takes some work but the results will pay off if you stay consistent. This isn’t a get tons of traffic and leads super quick scheme. Sticking with a marketing strategy you enjoy, SEO best practices and sharing your site will help build momentum for your website and business.

These strategies will lead to more traffic and clicks on your website. Already overwhelmed thinking about your site launch? Check out my Squarespace web design services and packages if you want to take tech off your to do list.


Tell Your Story Online


Research Like An Investigator